Dream a Little Dream, 2009, Mixed media on art card, 80 x 100 cm each   With the advent of modern science, dreams remain mysterious, unfathomable. Why do we have dreams? Are they “images from random electrical activity in the brain” or divine messa
Dream a Little Dream.jpg
  Dream a Little Dream, 2009, Mixed media on art card, 80 x 100 cm each   With the advent of modern science, dreams remain mysterious, unfathomable. Why do we have dreams? Are they “images from random electrical activity in the brain” or divine messa

Dream a Little Dream, 2009, Mixed media on art card, 80 x 100 cm each

With the advent of modern science, dreams remain mysterious, unfathomable. Why do we have dreams? Are they “images from random electrical activity in the brain” or divine messages from spiritual entities? Amongst all explanations, I am most fascinated by psychoanalysis of dreams whereby it is linked to repressed emotions and drives.

“Dreams interpretation is the royal path to (discovery of the) unconscious”
- Sigmund Freud

Dream a Little Dream is a series of drawings dream inspired. Taking note of dreams each day, I translated these fuzzy mental images in my mind into tangible works of art, in hope that it would unveil my innermost emotions.

Dream a Little Dream.jpg