

Tan Seow Wei (b. 1979, Singapore), graduated from LASALLE College of the Arts with Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Painting in 2008. She loves to dabble in printmaking, ink painting, drawing and inadvertently produces works that are often mixed media in nature. .

She has won a number of awards including the Siaw-Tao Outstanding Art Award in 2014, Winston Oh Travelog Award in 2007, Georgette Chen Scholarship in 2006, Dr Tan Tsze Chor Art Award – Distinction in 2003. 

She exhibited at a number of group shows in various venues in Singapore, including Esplanade and Visual Art Centre.

陈晓薇出生于1979 年。 2008年毕业于拉萨尔艺术学校。她喜爱以版画、水墨、铅笔或炭笔进行创作,因而作品多以混合媒介呈现。她曾多处参与联展, 其中包括滨海艺术中心和新加坡视觉艺术中心。
